
Dear Friend,

As a supporter of Tibet and ICT, I'm sure you have been following the recent events in Tibet and the media's ongoing coverage of the Tibetan struggle. We're facing a truly defining moment in Tibet's history, which is why I write today. In the wake of the Chinese government's brutal crackdown on protestors inside of Tibet and with the approaching 2008 Beijing Olympics, Tibetans throughout the world are in desperate need of your help to get the message out about human rights abuses inside of Tibet. Now is the time to be as active as possible in your support of Tibet and the Tibetan people. We must take this vital opportunity not only to reach out to those who have always defended human rights in Tibet, but also to reconcile with our brothers and sisters inside of China, who are blinded by their government's pursuit to undermine the integrity of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. I have been the Chair of ICT's Board of Directors for many years because I believe it is one of the most effective organizations at comprehensively addressing the Tibet issue. With the recent events affecting Tibetans around the globe, ICT has been at the forefront of the struggle, providing research, advocacy and political action to bring about a negotiated solution. As an ICT supporter myself, I urge you to make the most generous contribution you can to ICT today so we can continue to build on our momentum.
Please click here to donate: http://support.savetibet.org/CriticalTime

Please also visit www.savetibet.org to read the latest updates from Tibet, register for email alerts and take action during this critical juncture for Tibet. As you know, this issue is very close to my heart, and I am grateful to each and every one of you for your honesty, your compassion and your support. The critical moment for Tibet is now, and with your help we can shape Tibet's future.
Thank you. Sincerely,
Richard Gere
ICT Board Chair

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